Is your listing a Collections listing?

To qualify for inclusion in The RE/MAX Collection, homes must be at least double the average sold price in the zip code they are listed in.

Can I advertise myself as a Collections (luxury) agent?

You should not Collections/luxury branding unless you have the CLHMS designation. You may use it as a one-off instance if you have a listinf that qualifies as "luxury" but you cannot brand your entire business marketing package as Collections without the CLHMS designation.

CLHMS Designation Info


The RE/MAX Collection Info

RE/MAX has created a unique brand identity for luxury homes. The RE/MAX Collection offers exclusive advertising incentives, training and marketing tools to help you better serve your most discerning clientele. Active eligible properties, single family homes, condominiums and townhomes, must be twice the average listing price of your local area real estate

Advertising -  Give your listings the worldwide exposure they deserve, and that your clients expect. The RE/MAX Collection offers exclusive advertising discounts in The Wall Street Journal, duPont Registry and Unique Homes. It's the perfect way to match exquisite properties with the right buyers.

Submit Your Ads - Visit For more information, contact or (888) 676-5004. Rate Card.

Contact Us - For further information, call (800) 525-7452 or email us The RE/MAX Collection

Education - While participation in The RE/MAX Collection does not require any fees or certifications, many agents may choose to pursue additional education to enhance their knowledge and reputation.   The RE/MAX Collection is a proud partner of the Institute for Luxury Home Marketing. Learn how you can earn the Institute's Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist (CLHMS) designation.  The updated course features new segments, including Luxury Short Sales and Working the International Market.

Marketing Materials

The RE/MAX Collection marketing program features a full range of signage and promotional pieces for you to use in your marketing endeavors - each adorned with The RE/MAX Collection brand. Creating an eye-catching brochure or property flyer couldn't be easier