Listings Magic

Post to Craigslist

  • You must first create a free Craigslist account
  • You will need your Craigslist login and password
  • Using Listings Magic ensures you within the regulations for posting

To generate automatically for every listing:

  1. Log into
  2. From the Control Panel click Edit Account Information
  3. Click "Click to Set Defaults"
  4. Scroll down to Start Craigslist Reminder Emails
  5. Select if you want reminders (suggested setting: no)
  6. Enter your Craigslist login and password
  7. Select region (suggesting setting: boulder)
  8. Scroll down, click submit

To post manually:

  1. Log into
  2. From the Control Panel click Manage your properties
  3. Use the dropdown to select the correct property
  4. Scroll down and select #4 Craigslist Posting
  5. Click Submit to Craigslist (can take several minutes to post)
  6. Go to your email and click the link to make the listing live
  7. Upload additional photos (only first 6 are automatically posted)
  8. Refresh weekly by logging into your Craigslist account (beware - multiple active posts of the same listings often result in deleting of all posts)