Listings Magic

Home Value Page - Lead Generation

What's My Home Worth?

Generate leads by setting up a home valuation page.

Create leads by:

  • Sharing on Social Media
  • Adding to your signature box
  • Adding to your website

To create a Valuation Page:

  1. Log into
  2. Hover over Account and click Create Lead Generating Valuation Page
  3. Enter in a City OR enter any text like "Colorado" or "Mountain Home"
    • More specific cities do well when using targeted ads on Facebook
    • General heading is better for your website
    • You do not need to select a state
    • No matter what you enter it will work for any address
  4. Upload custom photo
    • You MUST own or have rights to use the photo (don't download one from Google for instance)
    • Use a photo that represents the area

5. Click Add Valuation City

6. Customize text that appears on the page by clicking Update Description

7. Share on social media pages or use an iframe to post on your website.