Agent Billing

Billing Dates

NOTE/CLARIFICATION: All recurring charges like your desk fee, RE/MAX Fees, etc, are billed to you for the CURRENT MONTH. All one-off personal expenses like supplies & postage are billed from the PREVIOUS MONTH.

Billing Process

Paying Your Bill


"For your records, attached is your office statement for this month.

To make a secure one-time CREDIT* card payment, please use the following instructions and link:


Instructions: Once you have logged into your AgentEZ account using the link above, select “My Bills” on the left. Select the checkbox next to the invoice(s) you wish to pay. Then select “Pay Now” You will then be prompted to enter your credit card information to submit for payment.

If you are already set up on auto-pay, no action is needed, as your payment will be processed 3 business days prior to the last day of the month. If you are set up via CREDIT* Card on autopay, you will receive a payment receipt confirming your payment has been processed.

If you would like to enroll in auto pay via CREDIT* card or ACH, please let your Office Admin know and they will supply the appropriate form.

Please remember that payment is due upon receipt and to avoid a $100 late fee, please pay by the 5th - after that time, payments will be considered late. If you have any questions or concerns, please see your Office Administrator.


You will be charged a 2.75% processing fee plus $0.20 per transaction convenience fee.

If you would prefer to use another form of payment, such as check or ACH, the above noted fees would not apply.

We do NOT accept debit cards. If you prefer to use the account associated with your debit card, please submit the form for ACH withdrawals provided by your Office Admin."

10 - Agent Payment Options.pdf