Listings Magic

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Listings Magic Tips & ToDo’s

Verify Your Account Info

❖ Once you’ve received your Username and Password from your front desk staff, log in to your account -

      • Default should be: Username : Your email address Password: Alliance1234

Select Manage Edit Account Info

❖ Carefully check all fields in this screen to make sure your info is accurate.

❖ If you have a social media site you’d like virtual tours to automatically link out to (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest) your username and password must be entered here.)

❖ Your photo and logo should already be populated, but if you ever update your headshot, or would like a different photo, this is where you’ll change it.

❖ Click UPDATE to save any changes

Set Your Default Preferences

❖ At the very top of the Account Info page, click on the “Set Marketing Defaults ” link

❖ Default will already be set, but you will be able to further customize :

        • Virtual Tour and Website Colors & Settings
        • Brochure Headline
        • Chat to Text preferences ***(this one is very important!)***
        • Craigslist settings
        • Stats Report emails

Manage your Individual Listings

❖Your listings will automatically populate , with photos, into Listings Magic within 1 hour of being Active in the MLS

❖ Once the listing is in Listings Magic, you will get an email to notify you that it is complete in the system and some quick links to manage the listing.

❖To access Individual Property Options and Marketing Materials in the LM Portal:

❖ Click on Manage Properties on the top Menu Bar

❖ Select the property address from the dropdown menu click Submit

        • Here you can go into each option and change individually if you’d like something different from your set defaults

❖ Create a brochure

❖ Create a Just listed Postcard

❖ Pull Seller reports

❖ Edit Property Details

❖ Generate a QR code for the virtual tour

❖Any changes made to the listing, specifically PRICE, STATUS, COMMENTS or PHOTOS in the MLS will automatically update Listings Magic in about 15 Minutes.
